Application Plugins

The Girder Worker application plugin system is used to extend the core functionality of Girder Worker in a number of ways. Application plugins can execute any Python code when they are loaded at runtime, but the most common augmentations they perform are:

  • Adding new execution modes. Without any application plugins enabled, the core Girder Worker application can only perform two types of tasks: python and workflow modes. It’s common for application plugins to implement other task execution modes.
  • Adding new data types or formats. Application plugins can make Girder Worker aware of new data types and formats, and provide implementations for how to validate and convert to and from those formats.
  • Adding new IO modes. One of the primary functions of Girder Worker is to fetch input data from heterogenous sources and expose it to tasks in a uniform way. Application plugins can implement novel modes of fetching and pushing input and output data for a task.

Below is a list of the application plugins that are shipped with the girder_worker package. They can be enabled via the configuration file (see Configuration).


  • Plugin ID: docker
  • Description: This plugin exposes a new task execution mode, docker. These tasks pull a Docker image and run a container using that image, with optional command line arguments. Docker tasks look like:
    "mode": "docker",
    "docker_image": <Docker image name to run>
    (, "pull_image": <true (the default) or false>)
    (, "container_args": [<container arguments>])
    (, "docker_run_args": [<additional arguments to `docker run`>])
    (, "entrypoint": <custom override for container entry point>)
    (, "inputs": [<TASK_INPUT> (, <TASK_INPUT>, ...)])
    (, "outputs": [<TASK_OUTPUT> (, <TASK_OUTPUT>, ...)])

The optional container_args parameter is a list of arguments to pass to the container. If an entrypoint argument is passed, it will override the built-in ENTRYPOINT directive of the image. Since it’s often the case that task inputs will need to passed to the container as arguments, a special syntax can be used to declare that a command line argument should be expanded at runtime to the value of an input:

"container_args": ["$input{my_input_id}"]

It is not necessary for the entire argument to be a variable expansion; any part of an argument can also be expanded, e.g.:

"container_args": ["--some-parameter=$input{some_parameter_value}"]

Some command line arguments represent boolean flag values, and they should either be present or absent depending on a boolean input value. For example, perhaps your container accepts a command line argument --verbose to switch to verbose output. To support this as an input, you could use the following task input:

"id": "verbose",
"name": "Verbose output",
"description": "Prints more information during processing.",
"type": "boolean",
"format": "boolean",
"arg": "--verbose"

Then, in your container_args list, you can use a special $flag{id} token to control whether this argument (specified via the arg parameter) is included or omitted:

"container_args": [..., "$flag{verbose}", ...]

The temporary directory for the Girder Worker task is mapped into the running container under the directory /mnt/girder_worker/data, so any files that were fetched into that temp directory will be available inside the running container at that path.

By default, the image you specify will be pulled using the docker pull command. In some cases, you may not want to perform a pull, and instead want to rely on the image already being present on the worker system. If so, set pull_image to false.

To ensure the execution context is the expected one, it is recommended to specify the docker_image using the Image[@digest] format (e.g. debian@sha256:cbbf2f9a99b47fc460d422812b6a5adff7dfee951d8fa2e4a98caa0382cfbdbf). This will prevent docker pull from systematically downloading the latest available image. In that case, setting pull_image to false is less relevant since the image will be pulled only if it is not already available.

If you want to pass additional command line options to docker run that should come before the container name, pass them as a list via the "docker_run_args" key.


The Docker plugin currently does not support running dockerd with the option --selinux-enabled. Running with this option may result in an error like:

Exception: Docker tempdir chmod returned code 1.

Outputs from Docker tasks

Docker tasks can have two types of outputs: streams (i.e. standard output and standard error) and files written by the container. If you want the contents of standard output or standard error to become a task output, use the special output IDs _stdout or _stderr, as in the following example:

"task": {
    "mode": "docker",
    "outputs": [{
        "id": "_stdout",
        "type": "string",
        "format": "text"

If you want to have your container write files that will be treated as outputs, write them into the /mnt/girder_worker/data directory inside the container, then declare them in the task output specification with "target": "filepath". The following example shows how to specify a file written to /mnt/girder_worker/data/my_image.png as a task output:

"task": {
    "mode": "docker",
    "outputs": [{
        "id": "my_image.png",
        "target": "filepath",
        "type": "string",
        "format": "text"

You don’t have to use the output ID to specify the path; you can instead pass a path field in the output spec:

"task": {
    "mode": "docker",
    "outputs": [{
        "id": "some_output",
        "target": "filepath",
        "type": "string",
        "format": "text",
        "path": "/mnt/girder_worker/data/some_subdirectory/my_image.png"

Paths that are specified as relative paths are assumed to be relative to /mnt/girder_worker/data. If you specify an absolute path, it must start with /mnt/girder_worker/data/, otherwise an exception will be thrown before the task is run. These conventions apply whether the path is specified in the id or path field.

Progress reporting from docker tasks

Docker tasks have the option of reporting progress back to Girder via a special named pipe. If you want to do this, specify "progress_pipe": true" in your docker task specification. This will create a special named pipe at /mnt/girder_worker/data/.girder_progress. In your container logic, you may write progress notification messages to this named pipe, one per line. Progress messages should be JSON objects with the following fields, all of which are optional:

  • message (string): A human-readable message about the current task progress.
  • current (number): A numeric value representing current progress, which should always be less than or equal to the total value.
  • total (number): A numeric value representing the maximum progress value, i.e. the value of current when the task is complete. Only pass this field if the total is changing or being initially set.

An example progress notification string:

{"message": "Halfway there!", "total": 100, "current": 50}


When writing to the named pipe, you should explicitly call flush on the file descriptor afterward, otherwise the messages may sit in a buffer and may not reach the Girder server as you write them.


This feature may not work on Docker on non-Linux platforms, and the call to open the pipe for writing from within the container may block indefinitely.

Management of Docker Containers and Images

Docker images may be pulled when a task is run. By default, these images are never removed. Docker containers are automatically removed when the task is complete.

As an alternative, a ‘garbage collection’ process can be used instead. It can be enabled by modifying settings in the [docker] section of the config file, which can be done using the command:

girder-worker-config set docker gc True

When the gc config value is set to True, containers are not removed when the task ends. Instead, periodically, any images not associated with a container will be removed, and then any stopped containers will be removed. This will free disk space associated with the images, but may remove images that are not directly related to Girder Worker.

When garbage collection is turned on, images can be excluded from the process by setting exclude_images to a comma-separated list of image names. For instance:

girder-worker-config set docker exclude_images dsarchive/histomicstk,rabbitmq

Only containers that have been stopped longer than a certain time are removed. This time defaults to an hour, and can be specified as any number of seconds via the cache_timeout setting.

Girder IO

  • Plugin ID: girder_io
  • Description: This plugin adds new fetch and push modes called girder. The fetch mode for inputs supports downloading folders, items, or files from a Girder server. Inputs can be downloaded anonymously (if they are public) or using an authentication token. The downloaded data is either written to disk and passed as a file, or read into memory, depending on whether the corresponding task input’s target field is set to "filepath" or "memory". Likewise for uploads, the value of the output variable is interpreted as a path to a file to be uploaded if the task output target is set to filepath. If it’s set to memory, the value of the output variable becomes the contents of the uploaded file. The URL to access the Girder API must be specified either as a full URL in the api_url field, or in parts via the host, port, api_root, and scheme fields.
    "mode": "girder",
    "id": <the _id value of the resource to download>,
    "name": <the name of the resource to download>,
    "format": "text",
    "type": "string"
    (, "api_url": <full URL to the API, can be used instead of scheme/host/port/api_root>)
    (, "host": <the hostname of the girder server. Required if no api_url is passed>)
    (, "port": <the port of the girder server, default is 80 for http: and 443 for https:>)
    (, "api_root": <path to the girder REST API, default is "/api/v1")
    (, "scheme": <"http" or "https", default is "http">)
    (, "token": <girder token used for authentication>)
    (, "resource_type": <"file", "item", or "folder", default is "file">)
    (, "fetch_parent": <whether to download the whole parent resource as well, default is false>)
    (, "direct_path": <a path on the local file system where a file resource is located>)


For historical reasons, task inputs that do not specify a target field and are bound to a Girder input will default to having the data downloaded to a file (i.e. target="filepath" behavior). This is different from the normal default behavior for other IO modes, which is to download the data to an object in memory. For this reason, it is suggested that if your task input is going to support Girder IO mode, that you specify the target field explicitly on it rather than using the default.

The output mode also assumes data of format string/text that is a path to a file in the filesystem. That file will then be uploaded under an existing folder (under a new item with the same name as the file), or into an existing item.

    "mode": "girder",
    "token": <girder token used for authentication>,
    "parent_id": <the _id value of the folder or item to upload into>,
    "format": "text",
    "type": "string"
    (, "name": <optionally override name of the file to upload>)
    (, "api_url": <full URL to the API, can be used instead of scheme/host/port/api_root>)
    (, "host": <the hostname of the girder server. Required if no api_url is passed>)
    (, "port": <the port of the girder server, default is 80 for http: and 443 for https:>)
    (, "api_root": <path to the girder REST API, default is "/api/v1")
    (, "scheme": <"http" or "https", default is "http">)
    (, "parent_type": <"folder" or "item", default is "folder">)
    (, "reference": <arbitrary reference string to pass to the server>)

Metadata outputs

In addition to outputting blob data into Girder files, you may also output structured metadata that can be attached to an item. You can upload an output as metadata onto a new or existing item, or attach a pre-defined set of metadata to an output item that is uploaded as a file.

To push an output as the metadata on an existing item, use the as_metadata field with the item_id field set in your output binding:

    "mode": "girder",
    "as_metadata": true,
    "item_id": <ID of the target item>,
    "api_url": "...",
    "token": "..."

To push an output as the metadata on a new item, use as_metadata with the parent_id field set, and a name field. The name is not required if the corresponding task output has "target": "filepath", in which case the filename will be used as the name for the new item.

    "mode": "girder",
    "as_metadata": true,
    "parent_id": <ID of the parent folder>,
    "name": "My new metadata item",
    "api_url": "...",
    "token": "..."


The as_metadata behavior will only work if your output data is a JSON Object.

To add additional pre-defined metadata fields to a normal Girder IO output, you can use the metadata field on a normal Girder IO output. The metadata field must contain a JSON object, and its value will be set as the metadata on the output item.

    "mode": "girder",
    "metadata": {
        "some": "other",
        "metadata": "values"
    "parent_id": <ID of the parent folder>,
    "parent_type": "folder",
    "name": "My output data",
    "token": "...",
    "api_url": "..."

Cache Configuration

The Girder Client (used by the Girder IO plugin) supports caching of files downloaded from Girder. These cache settings are exposed in the Girder Worker configuration. The following options are available:

  • diskcache_enabled (default=0): enable or disable diskcache for files downloaded with the girder client
  • diskcache_directory (default=girder_file_cache): directory to use for the diskcache
  • diskcache_eviction_policy (default=least-recently-used): eviction policy used when diskcache size limit is reached
  • diskcache_size_limit (default=1073741824): maximum size of the disk cache, 1GB default
  • diskcache_cull_limit (default=10): maximum number of items to cull when evicting items
  • diskcache_large_value_threshold (default=1024): cached values below this size are stored directly in the cache’s sqlite db

Direct Paths

If a input file resource includes a direct_path value, and that path is a locally accessible file, then Girder Worker can use the file without downloading it. Depending on deployment, this may not be desired, as it could expose internal file system details to a task, or the path might refer to different files in the context of Girder versus Girder Worker. To enable using direct paths, there is a configuration option:

  • allow_direct_path (default=False): if True, enable using direct paths when they are specified by a input file resource.

Direct paths are not used if the input file resource uses fetch_parent.


  • Plugin ID: r
  • Description: The R plugin enables the execution of R scripts as tasks via the r execution mode. It also exposes a new data type, r, and several new data formats and converters for existing data types. Just like python mode, the R code to run is passed via the script field of the task specification. The r data type refers to objects compatible with the R runtime environment.
  • Converters added:
    • r/objectr/serialized
    • table/csvtable/r.dataframe
    • tree/newicktree/r.apetree
    • tree/nexustree/r.apetree
    • tree/r.apetreetree/treestore
  • Validators added:
    • r/object: An in-memory R object.
    • r/serialized: A serialized version of an R object created using R’s serialize function.
    • table/r.dataframe: An R data frame. If the first column contains unique values, these are set as the row names of the data frame.
    • tree/r.apetree: A tree in the R package ape format.


  • Plugin ID: types
  • Description: This plugin allows type and format annotations of inputs and outputs to be added to task specs and IO bindings. It can also perform automatic conversion between different formats for known types, as well as validating the correctness of the data formats. These behaviors are enabled with optional boolean arguments to the run task: validate and auto_convert. Other plugins such as VTK and R add additional types and formats to the typesystem supported by this plugin. The full documentation including a list of supported types and formats can be found in the Types and formats section.